In the Courts

Loe v. Texas: How to Protect Children and God-given Parental Rights at the Same Time


Loe v. Texas Battle lines are currently being drawn at the Supreme Court of Texas over whether gender transition surgery on minors constitutes an exercise of parental rights or irreversible damage to a child’s well-being.  A group of self-described “conservative” former legislators from numerous states have rallied together in opposition to SB 14, a bill that ​​restricts chemical and surgical gender transition procedures on minors.  They argue that banning such procedures undermines the right of parents to make decisions regarding their children's health and well-being. After SB 14 was signed into law by Governor Abbott, a district court in Travis [...]

Loe v. Texas: How to Protect Children and God-given Parental Rights at the Same Time2024-02-13T22:18:58+00:00

PRESS RELEASE: FFP Files Brief at the SCOTX Defending Parental Rights and the Well-being of TX Children


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 22, 2024Contact: Jeremy NewmanPhone: 214-707-8445Email: Jeremy@FamilyFreedomProject.orgFFP Files Brief at the Supreme Court of Texas Defending Parental Rights and the Well-being of TX ChildrenLUBBOCK, TX - Family Freedom Project’s filed an Amicus Curiae Brief filed in the Loe v. Texas case before the Supreme Court of Texas.Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, restricting chemical and surgical gender transition procedures on minors. When a district court in Travis County issued an injunction to prevent the state from enforcing SB 14, the Texas Attorney General’s office swiftly countered by filing an emergency appeal directly [...]

PRESS RELEASE: FFP Files Brief at the SCOTX Defending Parental Rights and the Well-being of TX Children2024-05-20T21:53:15+00:00

FFP’s Year in the Courts and Legislature


We are thrilled to share some significant victories achieved through our collective efforts at the Family Freedom Project, and we want you to know how crucial your support has been in making a positive impact. Legislative Triumphs Introduced Due Process Protections for Families in the CPS System - In the 88th Legislative Session, the passage of HB 730, the CPS Omnibus Bill, marked a monumental win. Thanks to the hard work of Representative Frank and his team, this bill introduces vital due process protections and ensures that CPS caseworkers inform parents of their legal rights, empowering families within the CPS system. [...]

FFP’s Year in the Courts and Legislature2024-01-03T17:20:03+00:00

Protecting Parental Rights at the Supreme Court of Texas


In a significant victory for parental rights, the Supreme Court of Texas (SCOTX) recently delivered crucial wins in two cases, marking a triumph for Texas families. These decisions underscore the importance of protecting the fundamental rights of parents in the face of legal challenges.  Case #1: Limiting CPS Power and Protecting Parental Rights The first case, titled R.J.G., R.J.G., D.G.M., dealt with the question of whether Child Protective Services (CPS) could terminate parental rights based on a parent's failure to comply with administrative requirements. The SCOTX firmly asserted that termination should not hinge on inconsequential bureaucratic tasks, emphasizing the constitutional [...]

Protecting Parental Rights at the Supreme Court of Texas2024-02-05T18:43:34+00:00

Unraveling Parental Rights Issues in the “Take Care of Maya” Medical Kidnapping Trial


In a significant victory for parental rights, the Supreme Court of Texas (SCOTX) recently delivered crucial wins in two cases, marking a triumph for Texas families.

Unraveling Parental Rights Issues in the “Take Care of Maya” Medical Kidnapping Trial2023-12-20T21:40:32+00:00

Ensuring Technicalities Don’t Result in Termination of Parental Rights in the R.J.G., R.J.G., D.G.M. Case


One Texas mother is currently facing the termination of her parental rights due CPS’s allegations that she failed to complete their checklist of services in the manner they preferred. At this point in the case, CPS is not alleging any other deficiencies in her fitness as a parent. The Texas Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case on September 12. The Family Freedom Project and the Texas Association of Family Defense Attorneys have both filed briefs with the court arguing that CPS’s interpretation of the law violates the mother’s parental rights under the United States Constitution. After CPS removed [...]

Ensuring Technicalities Don’t Result in Termination of Parental Rights in the R.J.G., R.J.G., D.G.M. Case2025-01-27T19:35:17+00:00

Child Endangerment and Parental Rights Implications in the R.R.A., H.G.A., H.B.A Case


In a recent hearing in a case (In the Interest of R.R.A., H.G.A., H.B.A.) currently before the Supreme Court of Texas (SCOTX), Counsel for the TX Department of Family & Protective Services stated, “[The parent’s behavior] can be endangerment even if it doesn’t impair the parent’s ability to care for the children in the immediate moment.” This broad interpretation of “endangerment” increases the risk of wrongful parental rights terminations. Family Freedom Project has filed a brief in the case urging the court to require that any finding of “endangerment” be linked to an actual risk of harm to the parent’s [...]

Child Endangerment and Parental Rights Implications in the R.R.A., H.G.A., H.B.A Case2025-01-27T19:36:31+00:00

Defining the Limits of Judicial Intervention in the ‘IN re NH’ Case


Since the start of 2023, the Family Freedom Project (FFP) has been involved in IN re NH, a case marked by its implications for parental rights and government intervention in family matters. The case in question presents a fundamental question about parental rights in Texas. The heart of the matter in front of the Supreme Court of Texas (SCOTX) revolves around the legal rule that judges must begin a case by presuming that a parent is acting in the best interests of their child. This principle was emphasized by the SCOTX in a previous case called “In re C.J.C.” The issue left [...]

Defining the Limits of Judicial Intervention in the ‘IN re NH’ Case2023-10-17T22:41:29+00:00

When ‘Dangerous’ Sparks Automatic Parental Rights Termination


The State of Texas can terminate your rights as a parent even if you did not do anything to put your child in actual danger. This harsh reality is something that most people in Texas are entirely unaware of. “Child endangerment” is a term nobody ever wants to hear used against them. But in Texas, a parent can have their children removed and their rights terminated even if this “endangerment” never actually placed their child in danger. This bizarre state of affairs is caused by how CPS and various courts have long interpreted Texas’ endangerment laws. In a recent hearing [...]

When ‘Dangerous’ Sparks Automatic Parental Rights Termination2023-10-04T18:20:51+00:00
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