We believe that parents have a right and responsibility before God to protect the welfare of their children.
Therefore, parents are the ones entrusted with the duty to consult the necessary professionals and evaluate their child’s medical needs.
Medical procedures, treatments, vaccinations, and evaluations for a child must all be done only with parental knowledge and consent. Parent’s must be able to solicit multiple medical opinions without threat of retaliation and must have priority access to their child’s medical records in order to protect the safety of their child.
Medical professionals engage in extensive training and practice to provide life saving treatment to millions of Americans every year. Their expertise in highly specialized fields means that they should be closely consulted on all major medical decisions for a parent’s child. Yet, it remains the parent who has the right and responsibility before God and before the law to make the decisions that are best for their child. This involves not just obtaining an understanding of the medical risks and benefits, but often making complex and deeply personal value judgments as well.
FFP’s team has protected the right of Texas families to make medical decisions of their children for over a decade. Every legislative session, our team tracks and reviews every bill that affects the ability of parents to direct their child’s medical care.
In 2019, our team defended the Pardo family when their four year old son Drake was taken by CPS because doctors feared that the family might seek alternative medical opinions and care from other medical professionals.

FFP’s team also weighed in to defend Tinslee Lewis before the Second Court of Appeals when Cook Children’s Medical Center sought to end Tinelee’s life after she was born prematurely and Cooks claimed that her quality of life was inadequate.
FFP’s team has frequently battled in the Texas legislature to defended the right of parents to make decisions for their children regarding immunizations, end-of-life medical care, and mental health services.