In a world where education and parental rights are under attack, we applaud the Texas legislators who took a stand for freedom in the 88th Texas Legislative Session. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in passing bills that directly benefit families. It’s time to pause and gratefully acknowledge each statesman for their remarkable work this session!


  • Representative Frank and his staff did it again with the passage of HB 730

With due process protections and the requirement for CPS caseworkers to inform parents of their legal rights, this bill ensures that families are better equipped when navigating the CPS system. 


  • Representative Swanson and her staff tackled the issue of anonymous CPS reporting head-on, and they deserve our deepest thanks. 
  • This bill was a massive undertaking, and we are abundantly grateful to the following organizations for their contributions: Texas Public Policy Foundation, One Accord Texas, TexProtects, Texas CASA, the National Association of Social Workers, Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services, the Family Law Foundation, Parent Guidance Center, and the Texas Association of Family Defense Attorneys.

This bill ends the practice of anonymous reporting, protecting families from baseless accusations and malicious actors. Thanks to HB 63, families can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that greater accountability is in place. 


  • We also want to thank Senator Perry, Representative Frank, and their staff for their hard work on the Parental Child Safety Bill. 

In Texas, CPS uses a procedure called a “Parent-Child Safety Placement” (PCSP), also referred to by many inside the legislature as the “secret foster care system.” This bill (SB 614) will require CPS to uphold higher standards of responsibility. 


  • Last but not least, a huge thank you to Representative Noble, Senator Kolkhorst, and their staff for their dedication to Texas families in CPS cases through HB 793
  • We’d also like to thank the Texas Public Policy Foundation for drafting, supporting, and working on these bills. 

This bill opens up a world of options for families by allowing them to choose any qualified service provider, with the state covering the expenses. Rep. Noble, your bill is making it easier for families to access the necessary services and work towards reuniting with their children.

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