A group of anonymous Reddit users coordinated to file false reports against the Lott family.

Now the Florida Governor is pushing a criminal investigation into the false CPS reports.

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Lott Family Story:

JD and Britney Lott and their eight children faced multiple years of online harassment for their values and lifestyle. This harassment escalated when Florida Child Protective Services (CPS) responded to an anonymous online allegation against the family, threatening to remove the children. The Family Freedom Project intervened quickly, securing legal help to protect the Lotts just hours before the CPS deadline. The Lotts are now advocating for comprehensive CPS reforms, emphasizing the need for accountability and protection for families from unfounded accusations.

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How Texas Reigned in CPS to Protect Families:

  • Since 2017, TX has undertaken an enormous bi-partisan overhaul of its CPS system.
  • Lawmakers across the political spectrum agree that children need to be protected, but careless investigations and unjust child removals by CPS are extremely damaging to children and families.
  • Results from these reforms have been dramatic. The job isn’t done, but Texas’ results demonstrate it is possible to protect families from unjust CPS investigations and protect children from abuse and neglect at the same time.
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How long has CPS reform been a priority in Texas?

CPS reform has been a bi-partisan priority since 2017.

How many Texas children return home after being removed by CPS?

Historically, once a child is removed by Texas CPS, only 35% of those children will ever return home. For those who do, it takes an average of 14.6 months for the child to reunite with their family.

How has CPS reform affected children in Texas?

Child removals in the state have plummeted fifty percent. Child deaths from abuse and neglect have also gone down. Because fewer children are entering the system, the number of children waiting for adoption has also dramatically fallen.

How long has CPS reform been a priority in Texas?

CPS reform has been a bi-partisan priority since 2017.

How many Texas children return home after being removed by CPS?

Historically, once a child is removed by Texas CPS, only 35% of those children will ever return home. For those who do, it takes an average of 14.6 months for the child to reunite with their family.

How has CPS reform affected children in Texas?

Child removals in the state have plummeted fifty percent. Child deaths from abuse and neglect have also gone down. Because fewer children are entering the system, the number of children waiting for adoption has also dramatically fallen.